LAWN FURNITURE IS NOT A TOILET | Perich Advertising + Design


By Ernie Perich

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Things I’ve done once but won’t do twice:

Make a prospective new business client cry.

Tell a client who just fired us what I’m really thinking.

Tell a prospective client their ads are for crap.

Buy a set of irons because they look good.

Drink gin at the company golf outing.

Drink gin at the company Christmas party.

Drink gin.

Let somebody hire somebody I don’t feel right about.

Put a beet in my mouth.

Buy pants I’ll be able to fit into some day.

Eat a package of Fudge Stripe cookies without moving from my chair.

Chew gum during a presentation.

Of if I do, let it fly out of my mouth.

Mistake lawn furniture for a toilet.

Put my foot on a urinal at Waterville to tie my shoe.

Get out of my car at a car wash.

Put my car in drive in a car wash.

Give a performance review.

Brake suddenly when biking downhill.

Or use an absolute in a sentence. Never, ever, ever again.

Drink flavored coffee.

Not prepare properly for a major presentation.

Forget to thank God every day for my exceptionally better half.

Remember where I left my breakfast dish.

Fly two hours or more without spilling something on myself.

Let Lisa order pizza without explicit instructions regarding including meat.

Play Sheibar and Mahnken in 2 on 2 basketball.

Run a marathon.

Say I’ll never do something again again.

Purchase new car keys at $130 a pop before checking all my pants pockets.

Start a Sudoku puzzle.

Attend my surprise birthday party.

Sell T-shirts at the Holland tulip festival.

Play Old Head in 45mph winds.

Wash down cheese popcorn with chocolate milk.
