THINGS I’VE LEARNED SINCE SEPT. OF ’87 | Perich Advertising + Design


By Ernie Perich

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  1. You’re only as good as the people you hire.
  2. Eventually, you’ll lose every client.
  3. People just like to be heard sometimes.
  4. Everything seems easier after a good workout.
  5. A free lunch goes a long way.
  6. Most people see things a little differently than you do.
  7. 9 times out of 10, it’s better to keep your big mouth shut.
  8. Technology can be a real pain in the ass.
  9. The spoken word is more powerful than the written word.
  10. 50% of all the time spent during the day is wasted by employees.
  11. Men should never dye their hair.
  12. P.F. Changs makes all the other Chinese places seem like crap.
  13. Most every agency is saying 95% the same thing.
  14. Choking up a half an inch makes your approach shots much more accurate.
  15. New business is like running a marathon every day.
  16. Lower budgets quite often equals more fun.
  17. People twist the truth in their favor all the time.
  18. There is always a second side to the story.
  19. Persistency is exhausting but very rewarding.
  20. Everybody thinks their way is best.
  21. Billions of dollars are wasted on personal phone calls in business.
  22. Less is still more.
  23. The world is divided between mild and strong coffee drinkers.
  24. The haberdasher is dead.
  25. So is pick-up sandlot baseball.
  26. Staring at computer screens all day has got to be bad.
  27. We’re all fragile.
  28. Most of our work ends up in a dumpster somewhere.
  29. Its 100 times easier just to give up and blend in.
  30. Everybody is interesting if you take the time to get to know them.
  31. Raw cookie dough doesn’t seem to make me sick.
  32. People walk around tired all the time.
  33. Polyester ain’t dead.
  34. You should never throw away old t-shirts.
  35. The world is divided between people who are always cold or always too hot.
  36. Nobody likes to clean out a refrigerator.
  37. Playing video games alone can’t be good for you in the long run.

This guest column brought to you by Shirley Perich. We’ve been working together since the summer of ’82:

  1. People who try hard to sound smart in meetings usually aren’t.
  2. Everyone has a story to tell.
  3. The line between excellence and obsessive is a fine one.
  4. We’re only making ads.
  5. Doughnuts make coffee taste better.
  6. Health insurance is out of control.
  7. What you do is as important as how you do it. (Not sure I agree with Shirl here).