MY PITCH ABOUT PITCHES | Perich Advertising + Design


By Ernie Perich

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What I’d do if I ran a review to hire a new agency:

  1. My list would be 5. Max. If I can’t pick less than that, I shouldn’t be running the review. All agencies get pissed off and laugh when they hear they’re 1 of 18 “selected” agencies.
  2. I’d pay for their efforts. I want to know what it’s really going to be like to work with them. I’d expect more. But they’d be paid. Who am I to expect them to work for free? Nobody likes to work for free. It’s just plain wrong.
  3. I’d give them my time. Nothing more frustrating for an agency than a potential client that gives them a brief and expects them to work their keister off without any client input. Dead nuts wrong. It’s a collaborative business, isn’t it?
  4. I’d be specific as hell. Everybody would get the exact same assignment and there would be no gray area. Every agency would know exactly what was expected of them.
  5. I’d get to know them. I’d get to know the 4 key people that would work on my account. I’d golf with them or go to a movie with them or an amusement park. Something out of the office. I’d have a couple of beers with them. It’s a people business. I’d want to know the people better than I get to know them during their presentations. Or during the “office tour.”
  6. I’d invite all the “losers” to lunch. I’d buy. I’d bring all the presentation materials for all to see. I’d be open and honest. I’d thoughtfully prepare the reasons each client didn’t get the business.
  7. I’d stick to the schedule. Nothing worse than finding out 24 hours before your presentation that your presentation has been moved out three weeks.