TWO EARS VS. ONE MOUTH | Perich Advertising + Design


By Ernie Perich

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Today’s subject: Listening.

I know my body well. And this I know: My ears continue to grow. And here’s how I know: Recently, I’ve had offers to sell ad space on my earlobes. No one ever propositioned me like that when I was in my thirties. So either I’m right about my ears or the people around me aren’t funny. I think good ears are the most important tool in the advertising business. A good listener is always a good employee. Which isn’t the same as someone who’s just waiting to talk. The better you listen, the better your work is. The better your work is, the happier your clients will be. The happier the clients, the fatter your wallet. From atop Mount Pilot, the wise Greek god Anonymous declared, “You have one mouth and two ears. Use them in that proportion.” Great advice. This month, make it a point to listen closely to what people are saying. Your family, your co-workers, your boss, your AE, your clients. Value every word that comes out of their mouths. You’ll be better off. Jay Chiat walked around with a note in his pocket which was to be referred to whenever he was in an argument. It said just three words: “Maybe they’re right.” Point is, you’ll never know unless you listen.